Dealing with boredom of an elderly disabled parent

My 82-year-old mother just moved in with us about 1 month ago and I feel she is getting depressed. All of her friends live in other states. She is unable to travel due to physical restrictions. I work a full-time job 1.5 hours from my home, I am married to a saint of a man, I have my own online business and a very active family, in addition to being her caregiver. The time I spend with her is primarily task-oriented due to the limited amount of time I have and the needs she has. She is very impatient. It seems if I don’t jump up when she wants something, she gets frustrated and tries to do it herself, all the while talking to herself about how she is such a burden. I really think she is bored. She stays in her room instead of joining the rest of the household. She sleeps a lot. I have suggested the senior center, shopping, and more and I am met with resistance. I know I am not the only one who has had to deal with this type of situation. Any feedback from others, that has actually shown success, I would love to hear. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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