Feedback needed!

Hi! I’m Charlotte. I am very passionate about exploring what may facilitate or hinder compassion in caregivers. I am currently putting together my research questions for my thesis to explore the factors that may facilitate compassion, or may make compassion harder to engage with, in order to generate ideas and recommendations for professionals and support systems to support caregivers more effectively. My study aims to generate these recommendations to increase the quality of life for caregivers, as well as the individuals that they care for.

I would really appreciate the opportunity to discuss my interview questions with caregivers in order to shape the study, so the results and recommendations can be as useful as possible for caregivers in the future.

Please do let me know if you want any more information, or if you are happy to discuss my interview questions with me - this can be over any means of your preference (email, telephone, or ‘Zoom’) and will be a really quick informal chat - and all of the feedback and any information that you give me will be completely confidential and anonymous. Please do let me know and I can provide you with my email address to get in touch! I would really appreciate it.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and hopefully I will hear from some of you soon! Thank you again.

Best wishes,
