The Captain's Ship Has Sailed

Dad passed away peacefully, yet very unexpectedly, last night at the hospital. Even the doctors were shocked. He was admitted on Saturday due to being somewhat dehydrated and showing symptoms of a slight infection--a couple of days of IV fluids and antibiotics and he should be okay. With the hospital being conveniently 10 minutes from my house, I split my time between staying with him and trying to keep things at home running somewhat normally. That worked fine Saturday and going into Sunday morning, however, as Sunday progressed, he was sleeping a lot and becoming less responsive to my voice. Around 6 p.m., I decided to leave for a couple of hours to make dinner for my family and to get things in order for the start of the week. Before I left his room, I woke him up to tell him I would be back at 9 p.m. He groggily responded, "Okay, honey, I love you" and drifted back to sleep.

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